Victim Assistance & Family Protection
Victim Services

Victim Impact Statement
“Protecting and Serving Victims of Violent Crime”
Help is available for victims of, and witnesses to, a crime — the murder of a loved one … a sexual assault … the disclosure of a molest. Victim Services staff members cannot take the pain away nor can they bring back a loved one, but they can help victims and their families meet the immediate and long-term needs created by crime in their lives.
The Yolo County Victim Services Program was created out of state legislation enacted in 1980. The program has been in existence since that time and housed in the District Attorney’s Office. Dedicated to providing comprehensive services to victims of violent crime, Victim Services Program staff provide information about the criminal justice system and advocates for the rights of victims of violent crime. Some of the services they provide are:
- Resource counseling and the referral to appropriate agencies.
- Acting as a liaison between victims and the criminal justice system.
- Attending court hearings with victims or informing victims about court proceedings, including information about restitution and court protective orders.
- Assisting victims in preparing and delivering Victim Impact Statements in court at sentencing hearings.
- Referring victims to 24 hour crisis intervention programs.
- Assisting qualified victims with applications to the State’s Victims of Crime Program through the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board.
- Collaborating with other community agencies to provide optimal services to victims of violent crime.
- Reciprocal training to law enforcement and local service agencies.
- Advocacy to victims of felony domestic violence cases through a specialized unit in the District Attorney’s Office.
- Referrals to state agencies after a defendant’s sentencing to state prison or the California Youth Authority.

Domestic Violence Awareness Information
Victim Services FAQs– Coming Soon
Juvenile Request for Offender – Coming Soon
Phone: (530) 666-8187 | Fax: (530) 666-8185 | Address: 301 2nd Street Woodland, CA 95695
Protecting and Serving Children and Families
Visitation Custody Violation Report Form
The Yolo County District Attorney’s Child Abduction Unit exists to enforce child custody/visitation orders and to assist in locating/returning children who have been maliciously taken, detained or concealed in violation of court orders.
When the Child Abduction Unit investigates a case; we do so as a representative of the Superior Court and/or the People of the State of California. The District Attorney does not represent you as an individual. There is no attorney-client relationship, therefore, any information that you provide is not confidential and may be subject to disclosure.

Concealments/Detentions – You are having a problem enforcing a current court order due to the child’s removal from the court’s jurisdiction, or other parent’s habitual denial of your visitation rights. The Child Abduction unit can only enforce current court orders.
Visitation Problems – There are violations of the existing current order: i.e., not meeting at the ordered pick-up location, not receiving/returning the child at the ordered times, not allowing ordered phone calls, etc. The Child Abduction Unit does not generally investigate visitation problem cases unless chronic or extreme in nature. Generally, in order to resolve visitation problems, you must take the matter back to meditation and/or court. However, you can submit a visitation violation report to our office. See below for further details.
What Do I Do To Get My Case Investigated?
Abductions – Contact your local police or sheriff’s department to file a missing/abducted child report. The child is entered into the nationwide missing persons system and law enforcement can take immediate action to locate the child.
Concealments/Detentions – Contact the Child Abduction unit directly or after being referred by a law enforcement agency. When the Child Abduction Unit investigates a case, we do so as a representative of the Superior Court and/or the People of the State of California. The District Attorney does not represent you as an individual. There is not attorney-client relationship, therefore, any information that you provide is not confidential and may be subject to disclosure.
The Child Abduction staff meets regularly with local law enforcement personnel to provide information about the unit and specific training in the realm of child abduction. They have also traveled to several states and some foreign countries to assist in the return of abducted children.
Reporting Visitation Violation
The District Attorney’s Office has implemented a self-reporting system to report violations of court ordered visitation. This form is for use by Yolo County residents and non Yolo County Residents with court orders issued in Yolo County. If deemed appropriate, this office may take further action once your report is accepted. The report will be kept on file in our office and will be available only to the court or pursuant to a subpoena duces tecum for records only.
If you choose not to make a visitation violation report, or if you do not have a California visitation order, you may want to consider contacting a family law attorney for advice on how to enforce your order or get the matter before the court. To make a visitation violation report, click on Visitation Custody Violation Report Form and follow the instructions at the top of the online form. PLEASE NOTE: You must have the full version of Adobe Acrobat in order to fill out and send the form via email. If you are using the free Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader, you can fill out the form, print it and send via mail but you can not email the form as the data will not be saved.
Additional References
California Famly Law Code, Sections 3130-3135 et al.
California Penal Code, Sections 166.4, 278, and 278.5
The Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
National Child Abduction Remedies Act (ICARA) 42 USC 11601 et. Seq.
Diane Ortiz – Deputy District Attorney
Jesse Martinez – Investigator
Angela Smith – Enforcement Officer
301 Second Street | Woodland, CA 95695 | Phone: (530) 666-8400 | Fax: (530) 666-8399
Domestic Violence Prosecutions
The Yolo County District Attorney’s Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit is solely responsible for the prosecution of all defendants who commit Domestic Violence Crimes. Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.
Abuse is physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure or wound someone.
Domestic violence can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion or gender. It can happen to couples who are married, living together or who are dating. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels.
Elder Protection Unit
The Yolo County District Attorney’s Office is committed to fighting elder abuse and improving the quality of life for seniors. To that end, the District Attorney’s Office has staff who are specially trained and dedicated to prosecuting crimes against the elderly.
The most effective line of defense against elder abuse remains seniors themselves. By resisting high-pressure sales tactics, taking time to make decisions, and most importantly discussing personal matters with trusted friends and loved ones, seniors can often prevent many forms of elder abuse. The information on this website will help seniors protect themselves by further explaining “elder abuse” and giving tips for its prevention.
Please review this information and discuss it with others. If you are concerned that someone is attempting to victimize you or a senior you know, you can contact the following agencies:

Yolo County District Attorney – Elder Protection Unit
Elder Abuse Victim Advocate: 530-666-8396
Elder Abuse Paralegal: 530-312-5036
(Monday through Friday – 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.)
Yolo County Adult Protective Services: 888-675-1115
What is Elder Abuse?
Elder abuse is the mistreatment of those who are aged 65 and older. This includes financial abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Elder abuse happens everywhere in poor, middle class, and upper-income households. It is a problem that has no demographic or ethnic boundaries. Because family members or close friends of the senior are often the culprits of financial, physical, and emotional abuse, this abuse is often difficult to discover and to accept.
Financial Elder Abuse is the mismanagement of money, property or other assets belonging to a senior. Anyone who has access to your personal information, such as bank account numbers, credit cards, checkbooks, etc. can potentially steal from you. Be careful about whom you trust. You can take steps to protect yourself from financial abuse. Some signs are:1) You detect unusual activity in your bank accounts such as numerous withdrawals or attempts to withdraw a large sum of money. 2) A friend or caretaker asks you for a loan and tells you to keep it a secret. A need for secrecy can be a warning sign of an intent not to repay the loan. 3) You see your bills piling up when payment is the responsibility of your caretaker. 4) You see changes in your will or power of attorney though you are unable or unwilling to make such changes. 5) You lack amenities, such as clothing and grooming items, although you have the means to pay for these items. Protect yourself by doing the following:1) Cancel all credit cards you are not using. 2) Never keep the Personal Identification Number (PIN) for your ATM card in your wallet. If you need to write it down, be sure to keep it in a secure place. 3) Never give your credit or ATM cards to a family member or a friend to buy things for you. Whenever possible, give them cash or reimburse them with a check. 4) Try to balance your checkbook or have a trusted family member or friend do it for you on a monthly basis. Immediately inform your bank or credit card companies of any activity that does not appear to be your own. 5) Report financial abuse to Adult Protective Services by calling 888/ 675-1115 or by calling your local police department.
Physical Elder Abuse is the infliction of bodily injuries on an elder. Seniors or their loved ones should immediately report physical abuse to law enforcement by calling “911” or Adult Protective Services by calling 888-675-1115. Keep a list of emergency numbers you can call in the event that someone in your home physically abuses you. Some signs are:1) Obvious lacerations, abrasions, fractures, welts, bruises, discoloration, or swelling. 2) Pain or tenderness on mere touch. 3) Burns caused by cigarettes, ropes or other bonds. 4) Detached retina, bleeding, or scalp wound. 5) Elder becomes withdrawn or protective of the suspect.
Cameron's Place
Yolo County Children's Advocacy Center
Serving and Protecting Our Children
Under The Umbrella of The Yolo County District Attorney.
Mission Statement
We will coordinate a multi-agency response to child abuse, which reduces trauma to victims, increases child protection, and aids in the successful prosecution of offenders by providing a child-friendly center where the investigation of child abuse can be expedited and where victims and their families receive effective and immediate support. We are committed to providing quality care for our child victims and their families while striving to protect our community.

What is Cameron's Place?
Cameron's Place is a child friendly, safe, and supportive environment where child victims of sexual abuse come for forensic interviews, medical evidentiary examinations, advocacy, assessment, therapy, and support services. Cameron's Place serves all child victims in Yolo County. Cameron's Place is a Children’s Advocacy Center which is a child-focused center that coordinates the investigation, prosecution, and treatment of child abuse while helping abused children heal. Cameron's Place is Yolo County’s CAC, a county collaborative between agencies responsible for responding to child abuse and Commercially Sexually Exploited/ Trafficked (CSEC) youth in our community. For more information regarding Cameron's Place as Yolo County’s CAC you can read Cameron's Place Comprehensive CAC Report.
Primary Focus
The primary focus of Cameron's Place is to reduce the additional trauma that child victims often experience when going through the processes necessary to bring their perpetrators to justice. When allegations of child abuse are made, the potential for a child to experience trauma and confusion from the responding systems is extremely high. Repetitive interviews and investigations by multiple agencies create problems for child victims and cases.
The team of Cameron's Place is a specialized team of highly trained professionals representing a countywide effort to create the least traumatic and most effective system for responding to child abuse in our community. We accomplish this through intensive collaboration between the agencies currently responsible for child abuse cases and through partnerships with local agencies serving children and their families.
The Setting
Cameron's Place was specially designed with the child victim in mind. All rooms, including interview rooms and the medical exam room, are decorated and equipped to ensure a warm, non-threatening environment. The center has a comfortable family room with a children’s play area. During interviews, exams, or counseling appointments, parents can meet with an advocate in the family room while siblings spend time with center staff in the play area.
Child abuse cases rely heavily on the child’s statement. How it is collected is critical to successful prosecution. However, investigative interviews can be stressful for children. For these reasons, Cameron's Place was created to make the investigative process as comfortable as possible for children. The purpose of the interview is to conduct an interview that will gain the most comprehensive information and be acceptable in a court of law while limiting stress and trauma to the victim and family.
Interviews cover multiple agency agendas to avoid children having to experience repetitive interviews and numerous unfamiliar professionals to whom they must relate. Children are interviewed by Child Interview Specialists (CIS) who are experienced and specially trained to conduct forensic interviews that are sensitive to their developmental and emotional needs. Interviews are conducted according to State guidelines that enable the interviewers to be child-focused and neutral.
To help families and children feel more comfortable with the process, parents are encouraged to schedule a tour of the center prior to their child’s appointment.
Therapeutic Services
Each family’s needs are unique and important. Children seen at Cameron's Place receive a needs assessment including clinical assessment. Children and families return to the center for ongoing therapy if indicated. Staff at Cameron's Place strive to address each family’s needs through support, referrals, advocacy, and counseling. All Cameron's Place services including interviews, case management, advocacy, and therapy are provided by Spanish-English bilingual staff.
The Team Approach
- Broadens the decision making base for the systems involved with child protection.
- Enhances the quality of the interview and investigation consistently providing better information for use in court.
- Provides all team members with a level of professional support that allows them to work effectively with difficult and complex cases.
- Increases the competency level of team members by exposing them to cross-disciplinary learning.
- Provides children and families with support and consistency throughout the case in addition to a more thorough needs assessment.
- Reduces child abuse in the next generation by comprehensively responding to today’s victims.
Partners of Cameron's Place
Cameron's Place is a collaborative of community agencies committed to protecting our children. It is through this partnership that Yolo County is able to deliver the best service to our community despite limited public resources. Our partners include:
Yolo County District Attorney
Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency:
Child Welfare Services (CWS)
Child & Youth Family Branch- Mental Health Services
Law Enforcement:
Davis Police Department
UC Davis Police Department
West Sacramento Police Department
Woodland Police Department
Yolo County Sheriff’s Office
Empower Yolo
Yolo County Victim Services Program
County Counsel
Yolo County Health Department
Yolo County Probation Department
Sutter Health BEAR Center
Referrals to Cameron's Place are made by Law Enforcement and Child Welfare Services.
Cameron's Place staff can be reached at: 530/ 666-8186
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
Mass Casualty Program
The Mission of the Yolo County Victim Services Crisis Response Plan is to provide real time advocacy to crime victim related events such as active shooter, terrorism, and mass casualty where there are three or more victims.
In 2019, the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office created a plan for deploying and utilizing resources in the event of a mass casualty incident. The Yolo County Victim Services Program can immediately respond to crisis in all areas of Yolo County. Yolo County is composed of the incorporated cities of Woodland, Davis, West Sacramento, and Winters and non-incorporated towns such as Dunnigan, Knights Landing, Esparto, Clarksburg, and neighboring vicinities. It is also important to mention that Yolo County houses the University of Davis Campus with student population influx of 37,380 per school year. The ability to immediately deploy advocates ensures needed resources are provided and victims’ needs are met. The program is designed to have an advocate deployed within an hour after notification.
Our program provides the following services in response to mass incidents:
- Criminal Justice System Support
- Family Assistance Center Readiness
- Crisis Intervention and Peer Counseling
- Community Based Referrals
- California Victim Compensation Program Application Assistance
Aloha - Victim Services Therapy Dog
The Yolo County District Attorney’s Office has one facility dog to assist victims in the aftermath of a critical incident. Aloha can be deployed to hospitals, Family Assistance Centers or as determined by victim’s needs. If there is a need for additional comfort dogs, the MVA program may solicit the assistance of neighboring agencies.
The Crisis Response Team is deployed upon the request of law enforcement and once a crime scene is secure.
The Yolo County District Attorney’s Office encourages undocumented immigrants who are victims of crime to report the incident to law enforcement. We are only concerned about the details of the crime, not your immigration status.
A U-Visa status (also known as U non-immigrant status) is designed to provide lawful status to non-citizen crime victims who have assisted, are assisting, or are willing to assist the authorities in investigating or prosecuting crimes that were committed against them. The main purpose of the U-Visa is to encourage undocumented crime victims to help law enforcement investigate and prosecute crimes without fear of being deported.
For more information about U-Visas and the forms you need to apply, please visit the Department of Homeland Security’s webpage or contact Legal Services of Northern California or Empower Yolo (Yolo County’s Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Center).
If you are a qualifying victim, please send a completed I-918 Supplement B, U Non-immigrant Status Certification form to the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office U-Visa Desk for review:
Yolo County District Attorney’s Office
Attn: U-Visa Desk
301 Second Street
Woodland, CA 95695
Phone: (530) 666-8187