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Press Release

(Woodland, CA) – May 27, 2022 – On May 26, 2022, 62-year-old Woodland man, Marvin Eugene Montgomery, was sentenced to 27 years in state prison after being convicted of attempted murder in connection with a shooting in Freeman Park. A Yolo County jury found Montgomery guilty of attempted murder and assault with a semi-automatic firearm on March 22, 2022. The jury also found true an enhancement of intentional discharge of a firearm causing great bodily injury.

The jury heard evidence that on June 9, 2021, Montgomery was upset because he thought the victim, who had purchased an ounce of methamphetamine, paid with counterfeit money. Montgomery, along with three other men, arrived at Freeman Park in Woodland just before 7:30 pm and confronted the victim. When the victim refused to pay, Montgomery grabbed a semi-automatic gun and shot the victim twice at close range, hitting him in the arm and the stomach. Friends of the victim, who were close to the shooting, rushed to his aid along with police officers who responded within three minutes of the shooting. The victim suffered serious wounds including a broken arm and injuries to his intestine that required multiple surgeries to correct.

After the shooting, Montgomery left on foot, and changed his clothes to make it harder to identify him. Montgomery eventually left the Woodland area, leaving behind all of his possessions and leaving no forwarding address. Multiple witnesses were able to provide information to the police as to Montgomery’s identity and the police were able to obtain surveillance video from various local businesses that was consistent with eye-witness accounts.

Deputy District Attorney Michael Vroman prosecuted the case. “The victim is very lucky to have had friends and first responders nearby,” said Vroman. “This brazen shooting not only endangered the victim’s life, but the lives of numerous people in and around Freeman Park.”

District Attorney Jeff Reisig stated, “We are committed to the aggressive investigation and prosecution of violent crime in Yolo County, particularly incidents involving guns, as in this very serious case. Unfortunately, California has seen a steady uptick in violent crime in recent years due to a variety factors, including zero bail practices and the early release of thousands of convicted felons by prison officials. We are focused on ensuring local public safety and working with state lawmakers to fix state laws that are root causes of the increases in crime.”
