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Kenneth Buffer savagely beat James Williams over a drug deal

Press Release

(Woodland, CA) – April 18, 2019 – On June 29, 2021, Board of Parole Hearings commissioners granted convicted murderer Kenneth Buffer parole. Mr. Buffer, now 59, lived in Sacramento at the time of the murder and is currently serving his sentence at Folsom State Prison.

In March of 1995, Mr. Buffer and Michael Andre Todd attacked the victim, James Williams, at a home in West Sacramento. During the trial, witnesses testified that Mr. Williams owed Mr. Buffer and Mr. Todd $10,000 as a result of drug deal. Mr. Buffer severely beat Williams with his hands and feet until Williams went into a coma. Mr. Todd, while Mr. Buffer watched, burned him with a knife that had been heated on a stove. Also, caustic liquid was poured over Mr. Williams’ body which caused severe burns. Mr. Buffer later drove Mr. Williams, who was nearly dead, to his friend’s house where he was abandoned in the back seat of his own car. Williams died 10 days later of “blunt force trauma, after being taken to the hospital. After the jury convicted both Mr. Buffer and Mr.Todd of 1st degree murder and torture, the trial judge sentenced Mr. Buffer to 25-years-to-life in prison for the murder. Mr. Todd is also serving a life sentence.

Commissioner Michael Ruff and Deputy Commissioner Mary Dang were the hearing officers. The hearing took place remotely due to the COVID pandemic. Mr. William’s son, Bryce Miller-Williams, attended the hearing and made a passionate statement saying that he felt Mr. Buffer still lacked remorse and hadn’t yet taken responsibility for killing his dad. Mr. Miller-Williams was supported by Yolo County Victim Services advocate Kenya Salazar-Campos. Chief Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Raven spoke on behalf of the District Attorney’s Officer and West Sacramento Police Chief Rob Strange submitted a letter opposing parole Commissioner Ruff stated that based on a number of factors, including Mr. Buffer’s increased self-awareness and solid parole plans, that he no longer posed a unreasonable risk to public safety. The decision will now go to Governor Gavin Newsom who will have 120 days to agree with the decision or reverse it. Mr. Todd’s parole hearing is scheduled for October 13, 2021.

Murder Victim James Williams
