The Yolo County District Attorney’s Office Investigations Bureau led by Chief Investigator David Marshall is comprised of sworn peace officers and support staff focused on the organizational mission to Seek Justice. Do Justice. Most of the Bureau staff come to the District Attorney’s Office with a variety of investigative experience and expertise.
The primary role of the Investigations Bureau is to provide support to trial attorneys and local law enforcement in gathering facts and building trial-ready cases. Often there is a considerable amount of supplemental investigative work that the Bureau staff conducts after a case is handed off to the District Attorney’s Office from a local law enforcement agency.
The Investigations Bureau also has a role in building criminal investigations from the ground up. Members of the Bureau also participate in the County Special Investigations Unit. Additionally, select investigative staff also provide investigative services through the DA’s Fraud Unit and the Consumer Fraud and Environmental Protection Division (CFEPD). Members of the Fraud Unit focus on issues related to Real Estate fraud, Workers’ Compensation Insurance fraud, and Auto Insurance fraud. CFEPD staff conduct investigations of business practices and crimes against consumers as well as crimes that harm the environment.
The District Attorney’s Office also provides the specialized resources for child sexual assault forensic interviews at the Multi-Disciplinary Interview Center (MDIC), and conducts the bulk of the digital forensic analysis for the county in the High Tech Crimes Unit.