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Press Release

(Woodland, CA) – (July 30, 2021) – Yolo County was recently selected to be one of nine counties to receive funding for the California County Resentencing Pilot Project. The resentencing pilot project builds upon legislation under AB2942, which became effective January 1, 2018, and gives prosecutors the authority to petition the court to reduce state prison sentences that no longer serve the interests of justice

After the passage of AB 2942, the Yolo County District Attorney was one of the first in the state to partner with “For the People,” a non-profit started by former San Francisco prosecutor, Hillary Blout, who drafted AB 2942 ( Last fall, King Hall Professor Jack Chin in conjunction with “For the People”,  the Public Defender, and the Yolo DA started a sentencing clinic course at King Hall. The students, under the direction of Professor Chin, assess eligible individuals and make recommendations to the DA’s office as to whether inmates should be considered for a sentence reduction. The DA then files a motion with the court to start the process of reducing the sentence of the incarcerated individual.

Since 2018, the Yolo DA has filed motions in six cases for sentence reductions. Despite the partnership with “For the People” and the UCD Law School, only a small number of cases can be reviewed annually. Recognizing the amount of work required to undertake a sentence review and the limited resources, “For the People” requested funding for the Resentencing Pilot Project as part of the 2021-2022 California state budget. Of the $18 million allotted for this program, the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office will receive $717,000 and the Public Defender’s Office will receive $415,000. While administering the pilot program, and in addition to identifying, investigating, and recommending sentence reductions, the DA must also develop and implement the pilot program policy and protocol, as well as identify and track specific measures consistent with the goals of the project, then provide data to the state on a quarterly basis.

Cases selected for review have come from a variety of sources, including recommendations from the Public Defender’s Office, family members of incarcerated individuals and Yolo DA’s own internal review. The Public Defender’s Office has assisted inmates by preparing social histories and release plans. Those who have received sentence reductions have either undertaken extensive rehabilitative efforts and/or their sentence is now considered too lengthy.

“Public Safety is our main priority,” explained District Attorney Reisig. “However, if an individual has undergone rehabilitative efforts such that they no longer pose a threat to public safety, it is right and just to review that sentence. We also must be willing to analyze prison sentences that are disproportionate by today’s standards. This funding will allow us to expand our case review and continue to work in partnership with the Public Defender’s Office, UC Davis Law School, and “For the People.”

The pilot begins on September 1, 2021, and ends on September 1, 2024.
