Innovation & Technology
Yolo County’s Operation Vigilance is a cooperative effort involving multiple law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal level to contact local sex offenders. In addition to the traditional physical searching that law enforcement relies upon, Operation Vigilance also concentrates on searching the content of computers and mobile digital storage devices. Operation Vigilance utilizes both high-tech examination software, as well as trained computer and mobile forensic law enforcement personnel to assist in the searches of parolee and probationer sex offenders.
The Mission of Operation Vigilance is to help increase public safety by utilizing collaborative law enforcement efforts and existing technology to conduct targeted searches and compliance checks of known sex offenders.
Operation Vigilance is a deterrent to those known sex offenders who may be prone to re-offend.

Information Technology
Mission Statement
The District Attorney Information Technology (DAIT) unit will provide the highest quality technology-based services, in the most cost-effective manner, to facilitate the Yolo County District Attorney’s mission. It is our pledge to serve the technological needs of this office and it’s staff. We will do so in a timely manner and we work around staff schedules, so that there is as little down time as possible. To meet this mission we will:
- Provide effective technology support for audio/visual, computer, multimedia, voice, video, and web-based applications.
- Promote and facilitate the effective integration of technology into the mission of the District Attorney through planning, programming, training, consulting, and other support activities.
- Work with the County’s Information Technology division to develop and enhance the network to provide high speed, transparent, and highly functional connectivity among all information resources.
- Develop and maintain effective, reliable, secure, and innovative information systems to support operational and administrative functions.
- Facilitate the collection, storage, security and integrity of electronic data while ensuring appropriate access.
- Provide capabilities including the ability to develop and manage the distribution of office information, outreach and statistical reporting through the Web ( and other programs.
- Promote new uses of information technology within the office through the support for exploratory and innovative applications.
- Provide leadership for effective strategic and tactical planning in the use of technology.
- Provide fast and reliable access to all information systems.
- Provide quality information technology services for all activities within its purview, and to provide innovative assistance and leadership in IT matters to the District Attorney
Paperless DA’s Office