In The News
Yolo County DA implements new policy to crack down on fentanyl-related deaths – 6/22/21.
YOLO COUNTY, Calif. (KTXL) – The Yolo County District Attorneys office has announced a new policy targeted at tackling the fentanyl epidemic.
The new policy requires that with any plea agreement involving narcotics trafficking, that the prosecutor formally advise defendants that they could face homicide charges if they later provide drugs to a person who dies of a fentanyl overdose. Read more…
Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig speaks with CapRadio NPR discussing YCDA’s new fentanyl policy – 6/18/21.
‘Yolo County DA wants to address racial bias. Why the Sacramento region should, too’ – Sacbee Editorial Board – 4/12/21

Sacbee – 4/12/21 – “Racial bias pervades the criminal justice system, but there’s some promising news coming out of Yolo County. District Attorney Jeff Reisig is pioneering reforms to increase transparency and shed light on potiential disparities. Every DA in California – including Sacramento’s – should take notes.
Last week, data organization Measures for Justice launched a new website called “Commons,” home to an interactive platform to track Yolo County criminal processes and outcomes. Read more…
‘Yolo DA offering up first-in-nation online access to data on criminal prosecutions’ – SacBee – 4/6/21
Sacbee – 4/6/21 – “In a bid to make decisions on who is prosecuted for crimes in Yolo County more transparent, District Attorney Jeff Reisig and a criminal justice non-profit group are unveiling a new website Tuesday offering access to a trove of data on race, age, gender and other information related cases. The new site, dubbed “commons” and available online beginning Tuesday morning, is designed to allow the public to access information dating back to 2016 and study anything from the length of time a case takes to complete to how frequently defendants of one race are charged compared to other races. Read more…