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Press Release

(Woodland, CA) – June 17, 2020 – Over the last week, five more individuals previously released from custody as a result of California Judicial Council’s Statewide Emergency “0” Bail Schedule were charged with new felony crimes. The “0” Bail Schedule became effective April 13, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Woodland man, Brandon Gray, age 49, was charged with felony criminal threats and misdemeanor vandalism by the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office after being arrested by Woodland Police on June 6, 2020. Gray was pending admission to a state hospital when he was released from custody despite prosecutor objections about risks to public safety, and to Gray. Because the California Judicial Council’s Statewide Emergency “0” Bail Schedule applied retroactively to pending cases and because his cases did not meet one of the thirteen exceptions to “0” bail, he was released from custody on April 20, 2020. On June 11, 2020, Gray was arraigned on the felony threats and misdemeanor vandalism charge. He pleaded not guilty and the court set bail at $50,000. He will next appear in Department 7 of the Yolo County Superior Court on June 19, 2020, for a preliminary hearing.

Woodland man, Frank Creamer, age 39, was charged with multiple felonies after being arrested on June 9, 2020. Creamer was pending prosecution for auto theft and reckless evading as well as violations of Mandatory Supervision in five separate cases when he was released from custody on April 13, 2020. He was released as a result of the California Judicial Council’s Statewide Emergency “0” bail Schedule due to his cases not meeting any of the exceptions listed. On June 11, 2020, Creamer was arraigned on charges of felony domestic violence, felony false imprisonment, vandalism, and commission of a new felony while out on his own recognizance. He pleaded not guilty and his cases are next set for preliminary hearing and prehearing conference in Department 7 of the Yolo County Superior Court on June 17, 2020. Bail is presently set at $25,000 on the domestic violence case.

Woodland man, Diamond Sanchez, age 37, was also arraigned on June 11, 2020 on charges of assault with a deadly weapon, vandalism, and battery after being arrested by Woodland Police Department on June 8, 2020. He was also arraigned on charges of possession of a short barreled rifle, possession of a weapon with an obscured serial number, resisting arrest and possession of a controlled substance. Sanchez had been arrested by Woodland Police Department on May 9, 2020 for those charges and was released from custody the next day as a result of the California Judicial Council’s Statewide Emergency “0” bail schedule. At his arraignment, he pleaded not guilty and the court set bail at $10,000 for the felony assault case. Sanchez will next appear in Department 11 of the Yolo County Superior Court on July 1, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. for a preliminary hearing.

Woodland man, James Saragoza, age 34, was also arraigned on multiple cases. On April 8, 2020, Saragoza was arrested by the Woodland Police Department for felony vandalism and resisting arrest. He was released on $0 bail. On April 11, 2020, he was cited and released by the Woodland Police Department for petty theft. On April 19, 2020, Saragoza was arrested by the Woodland Police Department for burglary and was again released on $0 bail again. Finally, on June 10, 2020, he was arrested by the Woodland Police Department for burglary, looting, and possession of controlled substance paraphernalia. Because looting is one of the 13 exceptions to the “$0” bail, bail was set and Saragoza was not released from custody.

On June 15, 2020, Saragoza was arraigned on the multiple complaints filed by the Yolo County District Attorney filed multiple complaints. The first alleged the felony vandalism and resisting arrest from April 8, 2020; the second alleged a misdemeanor petty theft from April 11, 2020; the third alleged burglary and felony vandalism from April 19, 2020; the fourth complaint alleging the burglary, looting and possession of controlled substance paraphernalia. As to his felony cases, it was alleged that Saragoza had been previously convicted of a prior strike offense. He is also pending violations of probation in three separate misdemeanor cases. At his arraignment, he pleaded not guilty and the court set bail at $10,000 on the looting case. He will next appear in Department July 21, 2020, in Department 12 of the Yolo County Superior Court for a preliminary hearing.

Davis man, Benjamin Howe, age 34, was arraigned on multiple cases. On May 19, 2020, Howe was arrested by the Davis Police Department for commercial burglary allegedly committed on May 17, 2020, and a misdemeanor warrant for failing to appear in court. He was released on $0 bail. Howe was again arrested on June 10, 2020 for residential burglary. Because residential burglary is one of the 13 exceptions to the “$0” bail, bail was set and Howe remained in custody.

On June 16, 2020, Howe was arraigned on three criminal complaints. The first alleging the residential burglary from June 10, 2020; the second the commercial burglary and possession of stolen property from May 17, 2020; and a misdemeanor case involving possession of burglary tools, petty theft, and vandalism from April 15, 2020. At his arraignment, the court set bail at $50,000. His next court date is June 25, 2020, in Department 14 of the Yolo County Superior Court for a preliminary hearing.

West Sacramento man, Oscar Bucio, age 28, was arraigned on June 16, 2020 on a felony complaint alleging a violation of assault with a deadly weapon and an allegation that he has a prior strike conviction. He was arrested by the West Sacramento Police Department on June 11, 2020. Bucio, who was on Post Release Community Supervision for a February 7, 2018 conviction for a concealed dirk or dagger, was arrested for an alleged violation of supervision on June 4, 2020. Due to the $0 bail, Bucio was released from custody. Bucio was also arraigned on the violation of post release community supervision at his June 16, 2020, court appearance. At his arraignment, Bucio pleaded not guilty and the court set bail at $10,000 on the felony assault case. Bucio’s next court date is July 10, 2020 in Department 14 of the Yolo County Superior Court for a preliminary hearing.

On June 10, 2020, the Judicial Council rescinded its April 6, 2020 order imposing the statewide Emergency Bail Schedule effective June 20, 2020. Counties are still encouraged to use either the statewide emergency bail schedule or their own emergency bail schedule as part of ongoing efforts to keep those within the criminal justice system safe. Yolo County Presiding Judge Samuel McAdam has yet to announce which bail schedule will be used going forward but has sought feedback from the criminal justice partners.
