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Press Release

(Woodland, CA) – January 17, 2021 – Following the violent attack on the US Capitol last week, there has been growing intelligence and concern that similar types of attacks against government facilities will occur across this country. Federal, state and local law enforcement have taken extraordinary steps to prevent further violence. Yolo County’s close proximity to the State Capitol has heightened concerns for many local residents as well.

District Attorney Jeff Reisig is urging all members of our community to refrain from participating in any violent or armed protests that exceed the constitutional right to peacefully assemble. Individuals who choose to engage in such criminal behavior anywhere in Yolo County will face prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. While peaceful protests are a cherished First Amendment right, violence is not. Such violence threatens the safety of our democracy and our community.

There are many crimes that can apply to armed and/or violent unrest, including:

• Penal Code §171b – Possession of the following in a state or local public building is a crime:
    o Any firearm
    o Any deadly weapon
    o Any unauthorized tear gas
    o Any taser or stun gun
    o Any unlawful knife
• PC §25300(a) – Possession of a firearm in public while masked
• Penal Code §22810 – Unlawful possession or use of tear gas
• Penal Code §404 – Engaging in a riot
• Penal Code §404.6 – Inciting a riot
• Penal Code §594 – Vandalism

DA Reisig states: “The integrity and continuity of our democracy depends on a peaceful transition of power and a reliance on the rule of law. The violent insurrection in our Nation’s Capitol was a despicable and dark day in our history that should never be repeated. As the Yolo County District Attorney, I will zealously support every citizen’s right to peacefully protest, but we will also aggressively prosecute those who resort to violence and lawlessness. Yolo County is prepared to respond.”

###image depicts the scales of justice and a gavel