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Citizen’s Academy


The Yolo County District Attorney Citizens Academy is sponsored by the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office in cooperation with the Yolo County Sheriff’s Office, the California Highway Patrol, the Davis Police Department, the UC Davis Police Department, the West Sacramento Police Department, the Winters Police Department, the Woodland Police Department, and the Yolo County Probation Department.

The Citizen’s Academy is an eight-week course designed to involve diverse communities in participating in mutual learning about the criminal justice system. The goal is to educate the public and improve relationships and communication between the many different communities in Yolo County and the criminal justice system.

The eight-week academy meets once a week, usually on Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:30 p.m., beginning in mid to late April and running through early to mid June.   For more information, or to enroll, please contact Wendy Wilcox at (530) 666-8356, Class space is limited. Applicants must be 18 years of age and be connected to Yolo County through residence, work or education.  The application deadline is during the first week of April annually.

Lauren Keene from the Davis Enterprise wrote an article about our Week 4 class, “High Profile Cases – People v. Daniel Marsh”, that took place on June 4th, 2015. Here is a link to her article titled: Marsh Case Illustrates Challenges of Solving, Trying Crimes.

DCTV In The Studio – The Citizen’s Academy

Yolo County District Attorney’s
Citizens Academy

Summary of Classes
in partnership with

Yolo County Sheriff’s Office
California Highway Patrol
Davis Police Department
UC Davis Police Department
Woodland Police Department
West Sacramento Police Department
Winters Police Department
Yolo County Probation Department

APRIL 24 – JUNE 12

The Citizens Academy is held annually from
Mid April to Early June
Thursdays, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.




Week One:

Welcome: Introduction to the Citizens Academy. “It Takes a Community….” What can a concerned citizen do to make our community a better place to live?

Summary: Welcome to Citizens Academy with an overview of the next eight weeks and the participating agencies.

Introduction and Overview of the Academy, Mission & Welcoming Remarks
District Attorney Jeff Reisig

Welcoming Remarks
Yolo County Sheriff Tom Lopez
Yolo County Probation Department Interim Chief Rachelle Gayton
California Highway Patrol Captain Ivan Tien
Davis Police Department Chief Todd Henry
UC Davis Police Department Chief Joseph Farrow
Winters Police Department Chief Joseph Kreins
West Sacramento Police Interim Chief Rob Strange
Woodland Police Department Chief Ryan Kinnan

Overview of Public Safety Agencies Representatives from the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office and Law Enforcement Agencies. Building Bridges and Breaking Barriers – addressing the schools to prison pipeline; Creating Partnerships; Data Driven Intervention and other Innovations in Justice;  Community Policing and Community Participation – “From Rhetoric to Reality – Where Do We Go from Here?”

Summary: Learn how Yolo County law enforcement is addressing the homeless issue in our community.  Remarks on community involvement and participation to achieve long-term public safety solutions and strategies.

Week Two:

The Role of the District Attorney and Challenges: “Law & Order.”

Summary: While prime time television shows such as “Law & Order” capture ratings and audiences, they fail to show the day-to-day work of the District Attorney. We will provide an overview of the District Attorney’s Office and its Mission statement “We pursue truth and justice for victims and our communities with commitment, compassion, courage, and integrity.” Learn about the various units in the office and how a case makes its way through the criminal justice system. Finally, learn about one of the most significant cases in Yolo County – the investigation and prosecution of the murderers of Elijah Moore and Enrique Rios.

Overview of the DA’s Office
Chief Deputy District Attorney Melinda Aiello

Anatomy of a Case
Asst. Chief Deputy District Attorney David Wilson

Case Profile – Woodland Missing Teens Elijah Moore and Enrique Rios
Assistant Chief DDA David Wilson
District Attorney Investigator Mat Jameson

Week Three:

Pre-filing Diversion, Restorative Justice and Collaborative Courts

Summary: Not all cases require the initiation of criminal charges, and some cases warrant a non-traditional approach and/or specialized dispositions. You will learn about our pre-filing diversion programs along with how partners in the Yolo County Criminal Justice System have developed innovative and progressive programs to focus efforts on treating and helping defendants who commit crimes due to mental illness and substance use disorders.


Supervising Deputy District Attorney, Preston Schaub
Deputy District Attorney, Martha Wais
Neighborhood Court Paralegal, Nicole Kirkaldy
Deputy Public Defender, Joseph Gocke
Clinical Forensic Caseworker, Terri Lipelt 
Deputy Probation Officer: Brian Thiessen
Mental Health Court Graduate: Jesse Fiero
Week Four:

Victim Services

Summary: What are the rights of victims? Learn about Marsy’s Law. We will talk about these issues and the services we offer victims. You will also hear from victims and survivors.

District Attorney Victim Services Program Manager Laura Valdes
Guest Victims/Survivors

Week Five:

Emerging Issues, Special Investigations Units, Innovative Programs

Summary: What are some of the emerging issues faced in our community and how is our law enforcement community combating those issues? Learn about Hate Crimes and the challenges in prosecuting, hear from an investigator in our Cold Case Unit, and learn about the relationship between local agencies and the federal government in combating fentanyl crisis.


District Attorney Investigator Stephen Jerguson 
Deputy District Attorney and Cross designated Assistant US Attorney Matthew DeMoura
MCCC Board Member Alan Brownstein, Professor 
Week Six:

The Role of Other Partners in the Criminal Justice System

Summary: When attempts to resolve cases fail, our criminal justice system guarantees an accused the right to a jury trial. You will witness an actual DUI trial during this session and learn about the other critical participants in the criminal justice system.

The Judiciary
Yolo County Superior Court Judge

The Role of the Prosecutor
Deputy District Attorney Gustavo Figueroa

The Role of the Defense Attorney
Public Defender Tracie Olson

Special presentation: Real DUI trial will be observed at this session. 

Week Seven:

Post-Conviction Efforts and Criminal Justice Reform Part I Second chances and PIR

Summary: The role of the District Attorney does not end with sentencing. Learn more about the DA’s role in various post-convictions proceedings, including our partnership with a non-profit organization.

Chief Deputy District Attorney Melinda Aiello
Hillary Blout, Director of For the People

Week Eight:

CSI Presentation and K-9 Officer Presentation & Demonstration

Our local law enforcement agencies provide a broad spectrum of services including patrol to the City and County. Two of the services will be featured tonight. We will have a Crime Scene Investigation Presentation and a K-9 demonstration.


Crime Scene Investigation Presentation: Wdld PD CSO/Property & Evidence, Susan Stewart
K-9 demo: Wdld PD Officer Simeon McKenzie


Once the K-9 presentation is completed, we will have our Graduation and certificate presentation.



Schedule varies from year to year and is subject to change

Applicants must be 18 years of age and be connected to Yolo County through residence, work or education..
For more information, please contact:
Wendy Wilcox
Yolo County District Attorney’s Office
301 Second Street
Woodland, CA 95695
(530) 666-8356


2023 Citizens Academy Graduates

Image depicts the graduating class of the 2023 Citizens Academy.

2022 Citizens Academy Graduates

(2020 was canceled & 2021 held via zoom due to COVID-19)

2019 Citizens Academy Graduates

image depicts the 2019 citizens academy graduating class

2018 Citizens Academy Graduates

Image depicts the Citizens Academy graduates from 2018

2017 Citizens Academy Graduates

2016 Citizens Academy Graduates

2015 Citizens Academy Graduates

Citizens Academy 2015

2014 Citizens Academy Graduates

2014 Citizens Academy Graduates

2013 Citizens Academy Graduates

2013 Citizen Academy Graduates

2012 Citizens Academy Graduates

2012 Citizen Academy Graduates