Commons Data Transparency Portal
Commons is a co-created space for the community to explore criminal justice data, engage policy makers, and promote reforms. Commons provides the public with ongoing access to Yolo County’s criminal justice data. Commons is created in partnership with Measures for Justice, the Yolo County Multi-Cultural Community Council & the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office. It is a joint space for making criminal justice data transparent and shared goals public. When the public, police, prosecutors, and courts share and trust the same data, those data become the common ground for reform. To explore the Commons portal, click here.
‘Yolo County DA wants to address racial bias. Why the Sacramento region should, too’ – Sacbee Editorial Board – 4/12/21

Last week, data organization Measures for Justice launched a new website called “Commons,” home to an interactive platform to track Yolo County criminal processes and outcomes. Read more…
What is Commons?
Measures for Justice – Yolo Commons
Measures for Justice – Yolo Commons Launch Event
Overview of Commons Data Transparency Dashboard