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Press Release

(Woodland, CA) – August 8, 2024 – On August 7, 2024, a Yolo County Jury convicted 38-year-old Anthony Daniels, a transient in the City of West Sacramento, of Attempted Criminal Threats, and Possession of Controlled Substance Paraphernalia, after an incident that occurred at the Home Depot in West Sacramento.

On April 3, 2024, Daniels attempted to take a utility cart used by Home Depot employees to transport merchandise into the store. The security guard had agreed to let Daniels use one of their shopping carts, but he was not satisfied with that offer, and eventually tried to take the utility cart again. When the Home Depot security guard said “No,” Daniels began to yell and swear at him and physically attempted to grab the cart from the security guard. The security guard physically held onto the cart and prevented Daniels from taking it. Daniels continued to yell at him and twice threatened to kill him.

In a separate Court Trial on August 8, 2024, the Court found true multiple Case Enhancements, including that Daniels was previously convicted of a prior strike, had been sentenced to a prior prison term, had previously performed poorly on probation and parole, and had acted with a high degree of cruelty, viciousness, or callousness.

Daniels faces up to eight years in state prison, and will be sentenced on October 17, 2024, at 9am in Dept. 9.

Image depicts home depot shopping carts
